Tenant Handbook

Fire and Life Safety

Each building is equipped with different types of fire protection devices.  These devices vary based on the size of the building and the jurisdiction in which it is located.  Your building is reviewed annually for safety violations.  The fire protection systems are inspected and tested in conjunction with local codes and regulations.

Your building is equipped with:

Automatic Sprinkler System - Each sprinkler head is individually heat activated.  Entering the mechanical room typically accesses the sprinkler shut-off valves.

Local Fire Alarm – A local fire alarm typically consists of multiple manual pull stations distributed throughout the building.  One is typically located near each exit.  By pulling any one of the manual pull stations a fire alarm will activate notifying the occupants of an emergency.  This alarm may or may not notify the fire department.

Smoke Detectors - In the event that a smoke detector is activated, it will sound an alarm.  This alarm may or may not notify the fire department.

Fire Extinguishers – Fire extinguishers are typically mounted in special holders on the walls throughout the occupancy.  These can be used on small fires if the operator is trained in their use and operation.

For your convenience, we have included downloadable and printable PDF document that contain important life safety information. Hard copies of all forms are available from the Campus Facilities Office as well. To view and print PDF files, you need the Adobe Acrobat Reader software. If not already installed on your computer, it can be obtained for free at www.adobe.com.

Bomb Threat Checklist

Evacuation Plan

Transwestern Public Access Defibrillation Program


Powerpoint Presentation for Evacuation Training and Floor Guardian Training

Emergency Evacuation Team Training 

Floor Guardian Training


Individual Suite/Floor Evacuation Information

South Building:

South Building - 5th floor - suite S-5100 & S-5500

South Building - 4th floor - suite S-4000

South Building - 3rd floor - suite S-3000

South Building - 1st floor - Lower Level Classrooms

North Building:

North Building - 5th floor - Suite N-5100

North Building - 4th floor - all suites

North Building - 3rd floor - all suites

North Building - 2nd floor - all suites